Originally we were planning on Ton Sai beach in Thailand to spend our holiday month. Luckily, our old college buddy, Robbie, got to us before we booked our flights.
Robbie lives in the middle of the of the ocean. At least that’s what it looks like on Google Maps. Part of the U.S. as a territory and rich with history from WWII, Saipan is a remote island that is part of the Mariana Islands. The major draw to spending the holidays in Saipan was seeing our good college friend and having a homely ‘break’ from on-the-go traveling. The only things we knew for sure of Saipan was that it was Robbie’s home and it was ravaged by typhoons. We later were pleasantly surprised that it also offered tropical beaches, hikes, an active tightly knit community, and was off the beaten traveller trail. We booked our round trip tickets out of Hong Kong to depart the day we flew in from Taiwan.
When we arrived, we already had a handful of choices of where we could stay. We knew that we would have a place to stay but, considering we were used to traveling we were expecting a futon in someone’s living room or if we were lucky, a spare bedroom. Since it was the holiday month a lot of local transplants were off island and in need of house sitters or pet sitters. Luckily, we got both! It was perfect because the house came with responsibilities of taking care of wonderful weirdo dog named Watson.
Saipan was hit with a Super Typhoon only months before we arrived. Typhoon Yutu left people’s homes completely destroyed, businesses closed, power outages and water shortages, and psychological trauma in its wake. We were able to see this destruction and rebuilding mostly on the south end of the island. There was one account of a dad wrapping his family between two mattress’ with extension cords to stay safe. We can’t imagine the trauma this could inflict. Robbie (this being his second Super Typhoon he’s lived through on Saipan) was given leave to decompress off island and head to the states for a week over Christmas. This was true for a lot of the transplant residents of Saipan who went off island to visit family for the holidays. Since a lot of people left for the holidays, we spent Christmas alone with just the two of us for the first time…and Watson with his faithful puppy friend LeRoy. Of course we did not forget our own dog, Miles Davis!
Saipan is owned and governed by locals. If you want to own property, you lease the land and build on top of it. With the major hotel chains, such as Hyatt, they are required to leave their doors open thus no gated hotels and everyone can use their beaches. Plan B was the Hyatt New Years party. The party was a hodgepodge of Chinese, Korean, Bangladeshi, FEMA workers, and the Saipan community we met through Robbie.
As for us diving noobs, at first glance, Saipan’s coral reefs are stunning! However, after learning about coral reefs and the human impact on reefs, we learned these reefs are dying. The beaches are covered with washed up ‘bleached’ coral pieces. Beautiful in it’s own way but a sign of an endangered symbiotic species. When reefs bleach, they are expelling algae from their living tissue causing the coral to turn completely white. Coral does this due to temperature changes in the water. Although the water temperature is only increasing by a few degrees, it’s enough to cause the bleaching effect. Similar to human biology, it’s only a few degrees difference in body temperature to go from healthy to sick. It’s normal on a small scale but an anomaly on a large scale and there have been too many anomalies regarding coral reef bleaching. Robbie and several of his marine biologist friends whose job is coral reef preservation explain the only plausible explanation for the high levels of bleaching is global warming. At the rate the reefs are bleaching, biologists are looking more into reef regrowth opposed to reef conservation. Check out Chasing Coral for a beautifully well done documentary.
We spent a little less than a month in Saipan. It was a refreshing break from hotels, homestays, and hostels. We felt instantly integrated into the community that it felt like home. Travel has a way of teaching you things you once forgot or lighting the way to new discoveries. Spending as much time as we did here made us realize how much we enjoy having a comfortable home base, dogs, a strong community of friends living an active lifestyle. Then we realized the irony of our desire to travel; however, the draw of travel continues to outweigh our homebody tendencies.
As we said goodbye to Saipan, we said Hafa Adai to Vietnam. Returning to the vagabond lifestyle, we were sad but excited for the next leg of our journey in SE Asia.
Love you all,
-Dan and Rachael